Care-touch services are guided by robust policies and procedures that are tailored to the nature of our business and to the requirements of the Health and Social Care Sector.

We will achieve the goal by providing adequate staffing resources and to employ professionally trained and experienced staff who are competent, caring and responsive to the needs of our service users, their families, and the communities we serve. Each staff member will meet the Regulatory and Care Standards educational and training requirements for the services they provide. We encourage and support continued education, in turn we will reward staff with competitive compensation, an inviting work environment, and knowledgeable, trustworthy management and direction.

The agency’s goal is to provide experienced candidates, capable of meeting client specifications and requirements, compliant with prevailing legislation and regulations and within the agreed service levels. To achieve this, the company operates to stringent quality assurance procedures. Care-touch meets all applicable statutory regulations and has implemented and maintains an effective quality system, supported and operated by all members of the staff in order to achieve the specified objectives.