• We aim to provide adequate staffing resources and to employ professionally trained and experienced staff who are competent, caring and responsive to the needs of our clients and their service users. Each staff member will meet the Regulatory and Care Standards educational and training requirements for the services they provide. We encourage and support continued education, in turn we will reward staff with competitive compensation, an inviting work environment, and knowledgeable, trustworthy management and direction.
  • We ensure that all placements and calls are scheduled promptly and that continuity of staff is paramount at all times. The company will utilize any authorized and tested software that will integrate with its systems to ensure that continual monitoring is in place.
  • The company promotes equality and diversity among its workforce. We believe that our employees are entitled to work in an environment which promotes dignity and respect for all. No form of intimidation, bullying or harassment will be tolerated. The management team actively supports the company’s equality and diversity policies and believes that the workforce takes its lead from the top.
  • We aim to be an inclusive organization where individual differences are respected, where organizations, staff and people who use our services, their families and carers are treated with dignity and on the basis of their merits, abilities and needs, and where everyone has a fair opportunity to fulfill their potential without suffering discrimination or disadvantage.
  • We believe that our service is stronger with input from our employees and people who use our services; we continually strive to improve these services and therefore rely on input and feedback from our employees and clients on how we can make our services better.
  • To ensure successful delivery of this service the management team undertakes to understand what is expected of them and the outcomes that are desired by our clients. The company adopts an outcome-based approach to the service that it delivers.
  • To ensure that all staff are trained to undertake the roles that are expected of them and that they have the prerequisite skills to deal with the job required of them.
To ensure we are available 24 hours a day to successfully meet the needs of our customers and candidates